Form for female workers

1basic info

The name is in English:

The name is in Arabic:


The age over 18 and under 50

2basic info




3basic info

Marital status

Upload your photo

Please attach an official photo (in formal uniform)

Image size 300px*300px

4Work info
Job applied for:

It is better to choose more than one business to increase your chances.

5Work info
Do you have previous experience?
5Work info
Do you have knowledge of foreign languages?
6Work info
Please choose the desired country to work

It is better to choose the largest number of countries to increase your job opportunities.

7Work info

Desired contract term:

When are you ready to travel and start working?

Minimum Expected Salary
Expected salaries range from $400 to $1,000 per month(You should choose the lowest expected monthly salary to increase your chances)

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